Everything you need to know about air squats.

Group of girls performing air squats together during a workout session

Air squats also known as Bodyweight Squat is a natural resting position for Humans. Don’t believe us?

If you closely observe toddlers at play, you will see that very often they assume the squat position.

A child sitting in a squat position
Children naturally assume air squats position at play time.

As we grow up and adapt to the modern world, our ability to comfortably sit in a squat position is often diminished. In fitness, training our body to function the way it is intended remains a priority. Squat training not only offer a gamut of benefits but also reminds us to return to a fundamental position that our ancestors adapted.

What are the benefits of Air Squats or Bodyweight Squats

1.Air Squat is a functional movement

The movements involved in squat is replicated in many of our everyday movement. Performing squats regularly helps to strengthen muscles, joints and central nervous system which is responsible for these movements.

An elderly man and a child sitting in air squats position while planting a tree sapling together in the ground
Passing on the gift of green for generations to come!

2.Air Squat is a great way to burn more fat

Squat burns fat by two ways. First, squatting activity requires engaging multiple muscle group and lot of effort which burns calories in the process. Secondly, regular squatting increases lean muscle mass which increases our ability to burn more calories at rest. If fatloss is your main goal, then bodyweight squat should be one of the main exercise in your exercise program.

3.Squat helps you to build the six pack abs you always wanted

As fitness coaches, we agree that creating visible six-pack abs is a result of combining proper training with nutrition. However, for the “six-pack” muscles a.k.a rectus abdominis to be visible, they will need to be built through proper training. Performing squat activates these anterior core muscles which also protects your spine.

4.Squat improves power and atheletism

Squatting power is mainly generated by hips and legs. Sporting activities that involve sprinting, jumping and acceleration utilize muscles of the lower body. Research has shown that Squat increases strength and muscles sizes in these regions (hips, core, and legs) which results in improved sporting performance.

5.Squat increases blood circulation to lower body

Lifestyle habits and medical conditions such as frequent flying, spending long hours in a seated position, diabetics, weak vein valves, and injuries can impede efficient blood circulation to lower limbs. As squat challenges larger muscle groups in our lower body, the heart pumps nutrition-rich blood to these muscles which improves blood circulation.

Which muscles do air squats work?

Target Muscles

  • Quadriceps


  • Gluteus Maximus
  • Adductor Magnus
  • Soleus

Dynamic Stabilizers

  • Hamstrings
  • Gastrocnemius


  • Erector Spinae
  • Trapezius, Upper
  • Trapezius, Middle
  • Levator Scapulae

Antagonist Stabilizers

  • Rectus Abdominis
  • Obliques

How to perform air squats?

For a step by step instruction to perform squat, please see below section which provides a breakdown of the squat technique.

  1. To begin the squat stand as tall as you can with your feet spread shoulder-width apart
  2. Take a deep breath in, engage your core and hold your arms straight out in front of your body at shoulder level
  3. Lower your body as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees
  4. Straighten your legs and slowly push yourself back to the starting position while breathing out

Tips to improve your air squats

  1. Maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement
  2. Lower your body as far as you can by pushing your hips back as you are sitting in a chair and bending your knees
  3. Ideally, the tops of your thighs should be at least parallel to the floor or lower
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